Msw Learning Agreement

MSW Learning Agreement: A Comprehensive Guide

If you’re pursuing a Master of Social Work (MSW) degree, then you’ve likely come across the term “learning agreement” during the application process. But what exactly is a learning agreement, and why is it important?

In this article, we’ll delve into the details of the MSW learning agreement, discussing its purpose, components, and how it impacts your MSW program.

What is an MSW Learning Agreement?

A learning agreement, also known as a field placement agreement or field education plan, is a document that outlines the mutual expectations, goals, and objectives between the MSW student, their faculty advisor, and the field instructor.

The agreement serves as a contract between the student and their field placement agency and must be completed and approved before the student begins their field placement.

Why is an MSW Learning Agreement Important?

A learning agreement is essential for the successful completion of your MSW program. It lays out the responsibilities and expectations of each party involved in the field placement process and ensures that there is a shared understanding of what is expected.

The learning agreement helps to:

- Clarify the roles and responsibilities of the student, faculty advisor, and field instructor

- Establish learning objectives and goals for the field placement

- Set expectations for the minimum number of hours required for the field placement

- Define the scope of the student`s responsibilities in their field placement agency

- Assess the student’s progress and performance during the field placement

- Provide an opportunity for feedback and reflection on the learning experience

Components of an MSW Learning Agreement

The learning agreement typically includes the following components:

1. Student Information

This section includes the student’s name, contact information, student ID number, and the name of the MSW program they are enrolled in.

2. Field Placement Information

This section includes the name and contact information of the field placement agency, the name of the field instructor, and the dates of the field placement.

3. Learning Objectives

This section outlines the specific learning objectives and goals for the field placement, including the competencies to be developed, the activities to be undertaken, and the expected outcomes.

4. Roles and Responsibilities

This section defines the roles and responsibilities of the student, faculty advisor, and field instructor, including the expectations for communication, supervision, and evaluation.

5. Hours and Schedule

This section outlines the minimum number of hours required for the field placement and sets a schedule for the completion of the hours.

6. Evaluation and Feedback

This section establishes a process for evaluating the student’s progress and performance and provides an opportunity for feedback and reflection on the learning experience.


In conclusion, the MSW learning agreement is a crucial component of the MSW program, as it establishes the expectations and goals for the field placement experience. It provides a framework for the student, faculty advisor, and field instructor to work together and ensures that the student gains the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in the social work profession.

If you’re in the process of applying for an MSW program, be sure to familiarize yourself with the learning agreement requirements and take the time to carefully consider your learning objectives and goals for your field placement. By doing so, you’ll be well on your way to a successful and rewarding social work career.